So about 8 years ago God sent me a dog. I know it might sound strange, but I really believe that He has His hand in EVERYTHING, therefore I give no credit to coincidence. I really wanted a dog. I would complain about not having one on a regular basis, telling my mom that I was going to die earlier because I didn't have a dog. I know it sounds super over dramatic, but now in hindsight, there may have been some truth to that, regarding spiritual life or death. Anyway, as much as I wanted a dog, I knew I didn't want a Chihuahua. I had so many preconceived notions of what this breed of dog was going to be like, because I had seen his kind before. I wanted a dog that was far "cuter", less yappie, less skiddish and, frankly, a little bit more popular. I wanted a Yorkie! Well, in my very well thought out plan of getting a dog, I ended up getting the breed of dog I never wanted. I got a Chihuahua. (I know, you just cringed.)
Side note, I love large dogs, but my living arrangement didn't allow me to choose a large breed dog, so I opted for a small one.
Ok, back to my story. I honestly "stumbled" across the dog. I was determined to get a Yorkie! I just knew a Yorkie would make all things right in my world. I researched them, took breed compatibility tests (that kept telling me to get a Chihuahua, so I thought they were garbage and kept taking them hoping it would change it's mind or someone would reconfigure the algorithms that kept producing such bad results), I searched online everything possible about Yorkies. I just knew that I knew what would best suit my life, even though everything possible was leading me in the direction of a Chihuahua. So one day I'm talking to this lady I had just met and mention that I am dying for a Yorkie. I still don't know why I would have shared that information with this woman I really didn't know, but it turns out that her dog just had a litter of puppies and she was selling them and only had 1 left. It was like music to my ears.......until she told me it was a Long Haired CHIHUAHUA. I graciously told her I had no interest in owning a Chihuahua and wished her luck in selling her puppy. After much convincing, and a little bit of threatening from my friends, I ended up with the puppy. I had no idea who much my life was about to change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've learned SO many things from my dog! There are too many lessons to fit them all in this post, so I will add them in future posts.
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