Saturday, August 17, 2013

Just a dash

A pinch of this and a dash of that can really change the end result of a recipe.  Usually, those are the elements that take if from good to AMAZING.  You can't leave out any of the major components in a recipe because it will completely change the result, but when it calls for a dash of something and you leave it out you always notice it's "missing just a little something".  

Well, I know there are some dashes of this and that where used when I was made.  I'm not completely sure what they are, but I know they were intentionally placed.  I like to think of these as gifts.  They are like a little special something that makes me unique.  I often see people, myself included, trying to hide the very gifts that were so intentionally placed in them.  If I identify a dash of something in myself, that most people don't have, I immediate think that something is wrong.  I can even get to the point of resenting it.  

I feel like so much comes from that little added ingredient if I just let it shine in my daily life.  

The question is, how can I find out what that little gift is?  I'm sure there are a ton of ways to figure it out, but I'd say the easiest, and most obvious, way to find out is to ask God.  If He made me, wouldn't it only make sense that He would know all of the components used to take me from good to amazing?  Wouldn't He know why that unique gift was important?  Couldn't He tell me how He wants me to use it?  Why am I often so afraid to ask? 

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